template<typename CharType , typename T > |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const tpf::bitwise::bit_pattern< T > &a) |
template<typename CharType , typename... ElementTypes> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const tpf::types::any< ElementTypes... > &a) |
template<typename CharType , typename T > |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const std::optional< T > &opt) |
template<typename CharType , auto N, auto D> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const std::ratio< N, D > &r) |
template<typename CharType > |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const std::byte &b) |
template<typename CharType , auto IndexValue> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const types::indexer_t< IndexValue > &indexer) |
template<typename CharType , auto RowValue, auto ColumnValue> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const types::indexer_2d_t< RowValue, ColumnValue > &indexer) |
template<typename CharType , auto HeightValue, auto RowValue, auto ColumnValue> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const types::indexer_3d_t< HeightValue, RowValue, ColumnValue > &indexer) |
template<typename CharType , typename Type , int Tag> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const types::tag_type< Type, Tag > &ncw) |
template<typename CharType , typename Type > |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const std::initializer_list< Type > &init_list) |
template<typename CharType , template< auto... >class ContainerType, auto... Ints> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator>> (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const ContainerType< Ints... > &seq) |
template<typename CharType , typename T , auto FirstValue, auto LastValue, size_t CountValue, bool stack_order> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const types::hidden::st_sequence_info< T, FirstValue, LastValue, CountValue, stack_order > &seq) |
template<typename CharType , typename T , T... Ints> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const std::integer_sequence< T, Ints... > &seq) |
template<typename CharType , typename T , T... Ints> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator>> (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const std::integer_sequence< T, Ints... > &seq) |
template<typename CharType > |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, types::TemplateCategory tc) |
std::ostream & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const std::wstring &str) |
| Feed std::wstring to std::ostream. More...
std::ostream & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const wchar_t *str) |
| Feed const wchar_t* to std::ostream. More...
std::wostream & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::wostream &os, const std::string &str) |
| Feed std::string to std::wostream. More...
template<typename CharType , typename FirstType , typename SecondType > |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const std::pair< FirstType, SecondType > &pr) |
| Feed std::pair<FirstType, SecondType> to std::basic_ostream<CharType> More...
template<typename CharType , typename... Types> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const std::tuple< Types... > &tuple) |
template<typename CharType , typename Type , typename... Types> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const std::variant< Type, Types... > &variant) |
template<typename CharType , typename Type_1 , typename Type_2 > |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const std::unique_ptr< Type_1, Type_2 > &ptr) |
template<typename CharType , typename Type > |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const std::shared_ptr< Type > &ptr) |
template<typename CharType , typename ElementType , size_t Size> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const std::array< ElementType, Size > &array) |
template<typename CharType , template< typename, typename... > class ContainerType, typename Type , typename... Types> |
hidden::enable_stream_if_not_string_t< CharType, ContainerType, Type, Types... > | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const ContainerType< Type, Types... > &container) |
| Feed STL container to std::basic_stream<CharType> More...
template<typename CharType , typename FirstType , typename SecondType > |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const types::array_wrapper_t< FirstType, SecondType > &array) |
template<typename CharType , typename... Types> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const types::type_list_t< Types... > &typelist) |
template<typename CharType , typename... Types> |
void | tpf::output::hidden::print_type_list (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const types::type_list_t< Types... > &typelist) |
template<typename CharType > |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const std::exception &expt) |
template<typename CharType , template< typename, typename... > class ContainerType, typename... ElementTypes> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const types::hidden::container_of_variants_class< ContainerType, ElementTypes... > &container) |
template<typename CharType , template< typename, typename... > class ContainerType, typename... ElementTypes> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const types::hidden::container_of_tuples_class< ContainerType, ElementTypes... > &container) |
template<typename CharType , typename ContainerType > |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const types::reverse_st< ContainerType > &container) |
template<typename CharType , size_t ElementCount> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const std::byte(&array)[ElementCount]) |
template<typename CharType , typename ElementType , size_t ElementCount> |
std::enable_if_t<!types::is_char_v< ElementType >, std::basic_ostream< CharType > & > | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const ElementType(&array)[ElementCount]) |
template<typename CharType , typename ElementType , size_t ElementCount> |
std::basic_ostream< CharType > & | tpf::output::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharType > &os, const types::reverse_st< ElementType(&)[ElementCount]> &container) |
constexpr new_line | tpf::output::nl () |
constexpr new_Line | tpf::output::nL () |
constexpr flush_stream | tpf::output::flush () |
constexpr new_line_flush | tpf::output::endl () |
constexpr new_Line_flush | tpf::output::endL () |
template<typename T , typename = std::enable_if_t<!(types::is_tag_type_v<T> || types::is_numbers_type_v<T>)>> |
sstream & | tpf::output::operator>> (sstream &os, T arg) |
template<template< typename... > class TemplateType, typename... Types> |
sstream & | tpf::output::operator>> (sstream &os, const TemplateType< Types... > &arg) |
template<typename Type , int Tag> |
sstream & | tpf::output::operator>> (sstream &os, const types::tag_type< Type, Tag > &) |
template<template< auto... > class ContainerType, auto... Ints> |
sstream & | tpf::output::operator>> (sstream &os, const ContainerType< Ints... > &arg) |
template<template< typename T, T... > class TemplateType, typename Type , Type... Args, typename = std::enable_if_t<!types::is_tag_type_v<TemplateType<Type, Args...>>>> |
sstream & | tpf::output::operator>> (sstream &os, const TemplateType< Type, Args... > &) |
template<typename Type > |
string_stream & | tpf::output::operator< (string_stream &os, Type &&arg) |
template<typename Type > |
string_stream & | tpf::output::operator> (string_stream &os, Type &&arg) |
template<typename Type , size_t CacheSize> |
sstream & | tpf::output::operator<< (sstream &os, const tpf::parallel::cache_wrapper< Type, CacheSize > &cw) |