This video demonstrates how to download/build MPIR and MPFR library on Windows platform using Visual C++.
If you failed to build these packages by yourself, then you can download the pre-compiled packages:
For Visual Studio 2015 - MPIR v3.0.0: mpirfr-vs2015-17.08.08
For Visual Studio 2017 - MPIR v3.0.0: mpirfr-vs2017-17.08.08
Download sample code and instructions for setting Visual C++ GMP projects.
Precompiled Binary (both x86 and x64):
MPIR, MPFR for Visual Studio 2015: mpirfr-vs2015-17.08.08
MPIR, MPFR for Visual Studio 2017: mpirfr-vs2017-17.08.08
Installation, Environment Settings, Response Files: Click here to download